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Traversing Binary Search Trees

2828 words15 min read
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    Curtis Warcup

Traversing a Tree

The idea is, if we have a tree (binary tree, unsorted tree, etc.), how can we visit every node one time? There are many ways to print out the nodes of a tree.

Two main approaches to traversing a tree:

Breadth-First Search (BFS)Depth-First Search (DFS)
Prints all the nodes at a given level, then move on to the level below.Visit all nodes vertically, before moving on to a sibling node.
DFS-InOrder, PreOrder, and PostOrder

Breadth First Search - BFS


We scan through the tree level by level, following the order of height, from top to bottom. The nodes on higher level would be visited before the ones with lower levels. Works in a horizontal manner. We look at all siblings of a node before moving to the next level.

Iterative Pseudocode:

  • Create a queue (this can be an array).
  • Create a variable visited to store the values of nodes visited.
  • Place the root node in the queue.
  • Loop as long as there is anything in the queue.
    • Dequeue (shift()) a node from the queue and push() the value of the node into the visited variable.
      • If there is a left property on the node dequeued - add it to the queue.
      • If there is a right property on the node dequeued - add it to the queue.
  • Return the variable that stores the values.
class BinarySearchTree {
  BFS() {
    let visited = []
    let queue = []
    let node = this.root
    while (queue.length) {
      // while there's something in our queue
      node = queue.shift() // assign node to the first item in the queue
      if (node.left) queue.push(node.left)
      if (node.right) queue.push(node.right)
    return visited

const tree = new BinarySearchTree()
console.log(tree.BFS()) // [ 10, 6, 15, 3, 8, 20 ]

//       10
//    6      15
//  3    8     20

Depth-first Search Traversal

One starts at the root (selecting some arbitrary node as the root in the case of a graph) and explores as far as possible along each branch before backtracking.

DFS - PreOrder Traversal


Visit the node, add it to the list. Then traverse the left subtree, traverse the right subtree.


  • Create a variable to store the values of nodes visited.
  • Store the root of the BST in a variable called current.
  • Write a helper function which accepts a node.
    • Push the value of the node to the variable that stores the values.
    • If the node has a left property, recursively call the helper function with the left property on the node.
    • If the node has a right property, recursively call the helper function with the right property on the node.
  • Invoke the helper function with the current variable.
  • Return the array of stored visited values.
  DFSPreOrder() {
    let visited = [];
    function helper(node) {
      if (node.left) helper(node.left);
      if (node.right) helper(node.right);
    return visited;

  let tree = new BinarySearchTree();
console.log(tree.DFS()); // [ 10, 6, 3, 8, 15, 20 ]

//       10
//    6      15
//  3    8     20

// [ 10, 6, 3, 8, 15, 20 ]

DFS - PostOrder Traversal

We visit the left subtree, then the right subtree, then the root.


  • Create a variable to store the values of nodes visited.
  • Store the root of the BST in a variable called current.
  • Write a helper function which accepts a node.
    • Push the value of the node to the variable that stores the values.
    • If the node has a left property, recursively call the helper function with the left property on the node.
    • If the node has a right property, recursively call the helper function with the right property on the node.
  • Push the value of the node to the variable that stores the values.
  • Invoke the helper function with the current variable.
  • Return the array of stored visited values.
DFSPostOrder() {
  let data = []
  function traverse(node) {
    if(node.left) traverse(node.left)
    if(node.right) traverse(node.right)
  return data

const tree = new BinarySearchTree();

console.log(tree.DFSPostOrder()); // [ 3, 8, 6, 20, 15, 10 ]

//       10
//    6      15
//  3    8     20

DFS - InOrder Traversal

Traverse the entire right side, visit the node. Then we traverse the entire left side, then visit the node.



  • Create a variable to store the values of nodes visited.
  • Store the root of the BST in a variable called current.
  • Write a helper function which accepts a node.
    • Push the value of the node to the variable that stores the values.
    • If the node has a left property, recursively call the helper function with the left property on the node.
    • Push the value of the node to the variable that stores the values.
    • If the node has a right property, recursively call the helper function with the right property on the node.
  • Invoke the helper function with the current variable.
  • Return the array of stored visited values.
DFSInOrder() {
  let data = [];
  function traverse(node) {
    if (node.left) traverse(node.left);
    if (node.right) traverse(node.right);
  return data;

const tree = new BinarySearchTree();
console.log(tree.DFSInOrder()); // [ 3, 6, 8, 10, 15, 20 ]

//       10
//    6      15
//  3    8     20

Which Search Algorithm is Best for a Binary Search Trees?

Breadth First (BFS) vs Depth First (BFS)

Depends on the tree. If you have lots of nodes to keep track of (think a wide tree), then you should use a breadth first search.

If you have few nodes to keep track of (think a small tree), then you should use a depth first search.

Best when you have a wide tree, not very deep.Best when you have a skinny tree, but very deep.
Many branches in the tree.Few branches in the tree.
But results in a lot of memory useDoesn't use much memory, but can be slow.

when to use BFS

Use when each node has many children, and you want to visit all of them.

when to use DFS

Use when each node has few children, and you want to visit all of them.

Cases for DFS - InOrder, PostOrder, and PreOrder

DFS InOrder

Used commonly with BST's.

Notice we get all nodes in the tree in their underlying order

//       10
//    6      15
//  3    8     20

tree.DFSInOrder() -> [ 3, 6, 8, 10, 15, 20 ] //  Lowest to highest

DFS PreOrder

Can be used to "export" a tree structure so that it is easily reconstructed or copied. Commonly used when we want to reconstruct a tree from a string.

//       10
//    6      15
//  3    8     20

tree.DFSPreOrder() -> [ 10, 6, 3, 8, 15, 20 ]


  • Trees are non-linear data structures that contain a root and child nodes.
  • Binary Trees can have values of any type, but at most two children for each parent.
  • Binary Search Trees are a more specific version of binary trees where every node to the left of a parent is less than it's value and every node to the right is greater.
  • We can search through Trees using BFS and DFS.
class Node {
  constructor(value) {
    this.value = value
    this.left = null
    this.right = null

class BinarySearchTree {
  constructor() {
    this.root = null

  insert(value) {
    var newNode = new Node(value)
    if (this.root === null) {
      this.root = newNode
      return this
    var current = this.root
    while (true) {
      if (value === current.value) return undefined
      if (value < current.value) {
        if (current.left === null) {
          current.left = newNode
          return this
        current = current.left
      } else {
        if (current.right === null) {
          current.right = newNode
          return this
        current = current.right

  find(value) {
    if (!this.root) return console.log('no root, dummy')

    let current = this.root
    let found = false
    while (current && !found) {
      if (value < current.value) current = current.left
      if (value > current.value) current = current.right
      else found = true
    if (!found) return false
    return current

  contains(value) {
    if (this.root === null) return false
    let current = this.root,
      found = false
    while (current && !found) {
      if (value < current.value) {
        current = current.left
      } else if (value > current.value) {
        current = current.right
      } else {
        return true
    return false

  BFS() {
    let visited = []
    let queue = []
    let node = this.root
    while (queue.length) {
      // while there's something in our queue
      node = queue.shift() // assign node to the first item in the queue
      if (node.left) queue.push(node.left)
      if (node.right) queue.push(node.right)
    return visited

  DFSPreOrder() {
    let data = []
    function traverse(node) {
      if (node.left) traverse(node.left)
      if (node.right) traverse(node.right)
    return data

  DFSPostOrder() {
    let data = []
    function traverse(node) {
      if (node.left) traverse(node.left)
      if (node.right) traverse(node.right)
    return data

  DFSInOrder() {
    let data = []
    function traverse(node) {
      if (node.left) traverse(node.left)
      if (node.right) traverse(node.right)
    return data

const tree = new BinarySearchTree()

// console.log(tree.root.value);
// console.log(tree.find(10));
// console.log(tree.BFS());
// console.log(tree.DFSPreOrder());
// console.log(tree.DFSPostOrder());
// console.log(tree.DFSInOrder());