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328 words2 min read
- Authors
- Name
- Curtis Warcup
- are an array-like structure where each element represents some property of a record.
- looks VERY similar to an array.
- usually contains multiple properties to represent one single thing.
- will usually contain multiple types.
Example: How do we use an object to present a 'drink'?
color -> brown
carbonated -> true
sugar -> 40
Lets take this object and represent it as an array []
[brown, true, 40]
But we have alost a lot of information about the object. We would need to memorize the order of properties.
Ordering is critical - we need to know the order of properties.
const drink = {
color: 'brown',
carbonated: true,
sugar: 40
type Drink = [string, boolean, number];
const pepsi: Drink = ['brown', true, 40];
const sprite: Drink = ['clear', true, 40];
const tea: Drink = ['brown', false, 0];
Why tuples?
- will not be used often.
- may be used with CSV file.
If we only looked at meaningful data like this, as a tuple...
const carSpecs: [number, number] = [400, 3354];
The numbers do not provide any meaning. Let's write these as an object instead.
const carStats = {
horsepower: 400,
weight: 3354
Since we have keys and values, it is clear what we are working with.