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Showing Articles from a table in Rails

1141 words6 min read
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    Curtis Warcup

How to display items from a database

So we have a database of articles. But how do we display them?

Start by creating a route to the articles controller. Add the following to the config/routes.rb file:

  resources :articles'

When we go to a like '', we can access the article using the params harsh (it's a hash data structure).

We can call this within the controller:

class ArticlesController < ApplicationController
  def show
    article = Article.find(params[:id])

In order to make the article variable available to the view, we need to add it to the @ symbol, making it an instance variable.

class ArticlesController < ApplicationController
  def show
    @article = Article.find(params[:id])

Now we have a variable that we can use in the view.

In order to display the articles, we need to add a <%= tag to the view.

<h1>Showing article details</h1>

<p><strong>Title: </strong>
  <%= @article.title %>
<p><strong>Description: </strong>
  <%= @article.description %>


byebug is a Ruby debugger that allows you to step through your code and see what's happening. You can add the byebug command to your code and it will stop at the point where you put it.

class ArticlesController < ApplicationController
  def show
    byebug # stops here
    @article = Article.find(params[:id])

Now in your rails console, you can step through the code and see what's happening.

Started GET "/articles/2" for at 2022-06-06 09:43:44 -0700
Processing by ArticlesController#show as HTML
  Parameters: {"id"=>"2"}

[1, 7] in /Users/curtisw/ruby/projects/test_app/app/controllers/articles_controller.rb
   2: class ArticlesController < ApplicationController
   3:   def show
   4:     byebug
=> 5:     @article = Article.find(params[:id])
   6:   end
   7: end
(byebug) params ### can see the params hash
#<ActionController::Parameters {"controller"=>"articles", "action"=>"show", "id"=>"2"} permitted: false>
(byebug) params[:id]

type continue to continue.

Building a list of items from a database

We want to be able to go to a page that shows a list of articles. For example, going to 'http://localhost:3000/articles' would show a list of articles.

Recall, we use the URL route to search our configuration file for a matching route.

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  root 'pages#home'
  get 'about', to: 'pages#about'
  resources :articles, only: [:show]

The controller will search for a matching route and then call the action. The controller also searches the database for any variables that are passed to it. Remember to add the @ symbol to the variable name.

class ArticlesController < ApplicationController
  def show
    @article = Article.find(params[:id])

This includes the @article variable that we can use in the view. This information may get passed to the view by the controller, which gets passed back to the browsers.

<h1>Showing article details</h1>

  <strong>Title: </strong>
  <%= @article.title %>
  <strong>Description: </strong>
  <%= @article.description %>

The controller also communicates with the model to get the data.

# example model
class Article < ApplicationRecord
  validates :title, presence: true, length: { minimum: 3, maximum: 50 }
  validates :description, presence: true, length: { minimum: 5, maximum: 500 }

So, now we know our work flow.

  1. Need to add a route to the configuration file to get the articles index page.
Rails.application.routes.draw do
 root 'pages#home'
 get 'about', to: 'pages#about'
 resources :articles only: [:show, :index,]
  1. Need to create a new view for the articles index page.
<h1>Articles listing page</h1>


  <% @articles.each do |article| %>
        <%= article.title %>
        <%= article.description %>
    <% end %>

  1. Build the controller for the articles index page.
class ArticlesController < ApplicationController

  def show
    @article = Article.find(params[:id])

  def index  # this is the action that gets called when we go to http://localhost:3000/articles
    @articles = Article.all # this is where we get the data from the model